Name curator: Dominique Willaert
Name artist: Brecht Vanhoenacker
Title of the work you have chosen: De wet van het dorp
English title: The law of the village
Year of production: 2012
Format: 16:9

Read the interview with Dominique Willaert down here:

About the curator

Name: Dominique Willaert

Function: Artistic leader of Victoria Deluxe vzw

What is your main intrest: The way art can create and stimulate also the societal and political imagination.

Where do you come from/ where do you live: I work and live in Gent (Belgium)

About the film and the filmmakers: Brecht Vanhoenacker is an unknown but interesting filmmaker. His engagement is never explicit. It’s always thourgh his poetical filmlanguage that you feel his commitment.

What can you tell about this film? The film paints the way people in a more rural area structure their lives and learn us how important cultural heritage, religion and nature is in the sense making of the villagers.

How does this film relate to the theme politics and poetry in your opinion?The images and narratives are very similar to the language that Joris Ivens used.

Are politics and poetry (or politics and arts) two separate worlds according to you? Why / why not? No, not all. In this film, politics and poetry are one. It avoids explicite and straight statements or convictions. The filmmaker invites us to discover and never ‘to judge’.

There are a lot of political tensions and changes in the world right now. Do you (already) notice any changes in the focus and/or ideas and work of artists because of these developments? Do you have examples? Brecht Vanhoenacker is working now on a documentary about the exploitation of farmers in Belgium. In the way he choose his subjects the filmmaker is very engaged, but in his work, he’s never judging or confronting us with explicit points of view. That’s way he is very interesting for the audiovisual landscape.





  • Bezoekadres:
    Tweede Walstraat 19,  Nijmegen


  • Postadres:
    Tweede Walstraat 19
    6511 LN Nijmegen



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