Name Curators: Caroline Kennedy-Pipe/ James I. Rogers
Title of the work you have chosen: Fragments
Year of production: 2006
Format: Sculpture
This month we have two curators. The interesting fact is that one of the curators is also involved in another Politics and Poetry project. So we are very glad to have this opportunity to share ideas.They selected a picture of a sculpture of the artist Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir called 'Fragments'. Contrary to what we normally do with the curators, there is no interview this time about their selection, but they entered an article about the work and ideas behind it. So please read their interesting thougts about 'Fragments' and their ideas about art, politics and war.
Read more: Nov2015:Fragments (S.Thórarinsdóttir) Curator: C.Kennedy-Pipe/ J.I. Rogers
Curator: Manuel Toledo Otaegui
Name artist: Felipe Egaña
Title of the work you have chosen: El Elefante Blanco
English title: The white elephant
Year of production: 2010
Format: HD Video
We got in contact with Manuel Toledo Otaegui because of his work for the ARQFILMFEST in Chile, and they were interested to screen a few films of Ivens there. In return, we asked him to select a film for our Politics and Poetry page and he selected 'The white elephant'. We are very thankfull for the cooperation. Please read the interview below for the backgrounds and watch the film here.
Read more: Oct2015: El Elefante Blanco (Felipe Egaña) Curator: Manuel Toledo Otaegui
Curator: Bert Hogenkamp
Name artist: Pim Zwier
Title of the work you have chosen: Alles was irgendwie nützt
English title: All what is somehow usefull
Year of production: 2014
Format: HD Video
In September our board member and Dutch film historian Bert Hogenkamp selected 'All what is somehow usefull', made by Pim Zwier (also from the Netherlands). The film was screened at many filmfestivals and Pim Zwier gave us permission to screen the film in September 2015. Now, you can see the trailer here.
Read more: Sep2015: All what is somehow usefull (Pim Zwier) Curator: Bert Hogenkamp
Curator: Shohini Ghosh
Name artist: AJK Mass Communication Research Centre
Title of the work you have chosen: The Song of the `Other’ Firefly
English title: The Song of the `Other’ Firefly
Year of production: 2014
Format: DVC Pro HD
The film was as a final project for the Masters in Mass Communication, at the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre at Jamia Millia Islamia, a Central University in New Delhi. The names (in alphabetical order)of the students who made the film are: Abhijeet Bhatt, Abhishekh Anid Dutta, Meghna Talwar, Nagma Sahi Ansari,
Umang Sabharwal
Curator: Bruno Bové
Name artist: Catherine Murphy
Title of the work you have chosen: MAESTRA
English title: TEACHER
Year of production: Cuba/USA 2011 – 33’ release: 2012
Format: video (DVD)
In July 2015 we have screened the film 'Maestra' with permission of the filmmaker and their distributor Women Make Movies. For the future, they allow us to show you this 8 minute-version film, about The Cuban Literacy Campaign in 1961. This film explores this controversial experience through the eyes of the women teachers, and how it changed their sense of themselves.
Read more: July 2015: Maestra 8min version (Catherine Murphy) Curator: Bruno Bové
Curators: Geert Veuskens and Pieter De Vos (Filmmakers at Docwerkers)
Name artist: Xavier Artigas and Xapo Ortega (cooperative production company Metromuster)
Title of the work you have chosen: Ciutat Morta
English title: Dead City
Year of production: 2013
Format: Color HDcam
This month our curators selected a long film. They selected the film 'Dead city'. The curators are from Belgium and work at Docwerkers, where they make creative and socially (film)productions. We are very thankfull for their contribution and their interview. Please read about their thoughts and ideas in the interview down here:
Read more: June 2015: Dead City (Metromuster) Curator: Docwerkers
Curator: Christian Leyssen Silva
Title of the work you have chosen: El vuelo de Juana
English title: Juana ’s flight
Name artist: Verónica Quense
Year of production: 1996
Format: 5 m. short film - 16 mm. - black & white.
The curator this month is Christian Leyssen Silva. Heis lecturer in Universidad Diego Portales and Universidad Internacional Sek and besides that, the curator in Fundación José Venturelli, Santiago de Chile. Heselected an older film for us from 1996, and we are happy that treasureslike these can be found on our Politics and Poetry page from now on as well.
Read more: May 2015: El vuelo de Juana (Verónica Quense) Curator: Christian Leyssen Silva
Curator: Ezra Winton (Cinema Politica)
Name artist: Réal Junior Leblanc
Title of the work: Uprooted Generation
Year of production: 2013
Format: Video
We are very glad that Ezra Winton of Cinema Politica from Canada selected this film 'uprooted generation' for us. The reason why he selected this film for our page 'Politics and Poetry' is very clear: The film is part poem and part documentary, dedicated to the victims of residential schools. The film includes reflections on cultural disconnection, personal and community trauma, resilience, and the healing power of art.
Read more: April 2015: Uprooted Generation (Réal Junior Leblanc) Curator: Ezra Winton
Curator: Wytze Koppelman (European platform film students 'Breaking Ground')
Name director: János Richter
Name film: Guañape Sur
Year of production: 2010
Shooting format: HD Cam
Documentary / Italy / 23 Minutes
This film was only available to warch in March 2015 thanks to János Richter and Andana Films. Contact them to see the film. Here you can watch the trailer of the film. We asked Wytze Koppelman, coordinator of the European platform for film students 'Breaking Ground' to be curator this month. He selected the film 'Guañape Sur of János Richter. Wytze sees a lot of films from a new genaration filmmakers all over Europe, so it is interesting to ask him about what strikes him at the moment, especially in the light of 'Politics and Poetry'.
Read more: March 2015: Guañape Sur (János Richter) Curator:Wytze Koppelman
Curator: Malva Castillo Venturelli
Name artist: José Venturelli
Title of the work you have chosen: Caballero del Lucero
English title: "Rider of bright star"
Year of production: 1983
Material: Acrylic paint on canvas
Malva Castillo Venturelli is the coordinator of the Fundación José Venturelli in Chile. A while ago, The European Foundation Joris Ivens got in contact with the Fundación José Venturelli because Venturelli and Ivens used to be friends in the past. Venturelli died in 1988, just one year before Joris Ivens past away. We asked Malva Castillo Venturelli to select a piece of art in the light of 'Politics and Poetry'. She selected 'Caballero del Lucero' which means "Rider of bright star". Read the interview down here.
Read more: February 2015: Caballero del Lucero (José Venturelli) Curator: Malva Castillo Venturelli
Curator: European Foundation Joris Ivens
Name director: Pedro Mota Tavares
Name film: REDUTO
English title: REDOUBT
Year of production: 2014
Year and place of premiere: 2014/ DocLisboa (Lisbon, PT)
Shooting format: DV video
We picked ourselves -the European Foundation Joris Ivens- as the first curator of the Politics and Poetry page. The film we want to show is from Pedro Tavares from Portugal, who had an internship at the foundation last year. He was very enthusiastic on the topic 'politics and poetry' so we like him to open up this page. READ INTERVIEW WITH PEDRO MOTA TAVARES:
Read more: JANUARY 2015: Reduto (Pedro Mota Tavares) Curator:European Foundation Joris Ivens