The international documentary filmfestival in Lisbon, 'Doc Lisboa', presents a special programme on labour, called 'A Body of Work'. A rather neglected subject in mainstream cinema, because film was exactly ment to escape from the factory, from watching the world of labour and of workers. As part of this programme from 22 October to 3 November the film A Family, a Woman (1976) by Joris Ivens and Marceline Loridan-Ivens is on-line available.
One of the more appreciated parts if the Yukong-series is a film about the role of women in the Chinese society during the 1970's. 30-year-old Kao Chou Lan works as a welder in a factory. She stays with her brother in the suburbs during the week. As the family gathers to prepare raviolis, her elderly mother talks about the miserable life before the Revolution and in particular about the servitude of women. At the weekend, Kao Chou Lan returns to her home in Beijing to her husband and her little daughter. They go to the park, where she talks about marriage, love, raising children and the situation of women.
This part of the cinematographic fresco Comment Yukong déplaca les montagnes about the last years of the Cultural Revolution is more intimate and open then offcial state films from that area. It indeed presents a cultural revolution inside the family practice in the traditional Chinese society.
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